My name is Peter Chesters, thank you for taking the time to find exactly how I became a freelance copywriter.

Like every other fresh-faced English graduate, I had already taken the usual step into bar and barista work after finishing my degree. The plan was to do these types of jobs for a few months before landing that perfect graduate job. However, three years of making cappuccinos later, I realised that things don’t always work out that way.

Whilst perfecting latte art allows for the slightest bit of creative innovation, I wanted to keep writing in my spare time to ensure my skills stayed sharp for when I would finally make a career out of my writing abilities. However, like many people working full time jobs, I lost track with my creative work as I settled into the ‘normal’ working world and focused on paying bills and saving money.

Let’s just take the briefest of moments to appreciate the skills I picked up, at least.

A recent change in my working life, and a bit of a YOLO attitude, have recently renewed my desire to make something of my writing skills. I have dived into freelance content writing and blog posting for businesses of all kinds. Having wrote essays on approximately 7 billion books during university, there is nobody better than me at taking in information about a company and distilling what makes that thing unique into words.

Have a look around the site and check out my work. Even if you don’t need any writing services, you might find my old BoJack Horseman reviews and get a kick out of them!

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have wish to utilise my services or discuss my work. The ‘Contact Me’ page will always be kept up to date with the best ways to reach me.

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